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2018年–至今 威尼斯人澳门-澳门威尼斯娱乐城 教授、博士生导师
2016年–2017年 美国华盛顿大学生物工程系博士后,导师:Xiaohu Gao 教授
2012年–2016年 美国佛罗里达大学化学系博士后,导师:Wei David Wei 教授
2006年–2012年 中科院长春应化所分析化学博士,导师:董绍俊 研究员(第三世界科学院院士)
2001年–2005年 吉林大学化学、生物技术(辅修)学士
研究主要基于合理设计和合成新颖纳米材料,分析材料生长机理,并用于光电催化和环境污染物分析检测和处理。到目前为止,在SCI收录国际化学核心期刊上共发表论文33篇,其中作为第一作者在Nat. Mater.,Adv. Mater., ACS Nano 等杂志上发表论文8篇;提交美国专利申请2项。
1.Zhai, Y.; Zhang, F., Zhang, B., Gao, X., Engineering Single Nanopore on Gold Nanoplate by Tuning Crystal Screw Dislocation. Advanced Materials, 2017, 29,1703102;
2.Zhai, Y.; DuChene, J. S.; Wang, Y.; Qiu, J.; Johnston-Peck, A.; You, B.; Guo, W.; DiCiaccio, B.; Qian, K.; Zhao, E. W.; Frances, O.; Su, D.; Hu, D.; Zhu, Z.; Wei, D. W., Polyvinylpyrrolidone-induced anisotropic growth of gold nanoprisms in plasmon-driven synthesis. Nature Materials, 2016, 15, 889;
3.Zhai, Y.; Han, L.; Wang, P.; Li, G.; Ren, W; Liu, L; Wang, E.; Dong, S., Superparamagnetic Plasmonic Nanohybrids: Shape-Controlled Synthesis, TEM-Induced Structure Evolution and Efficient Sunlight-Driven Inactivation of Bacteria. ACS Nano, 2011, 5, 8562;
4.Zhai, Y.; Jin, L.; Wang, P.; Dong, S., Dual-Functional Au-Fe3O4 Dumbbell Nanoparticles for Sensitive and Selective Turn-on Fluorescent Detection of Cyanide Based on the Inner Filter Effect. Chemical Communications, 2011,47, 8268;
5.Guo, S.; Wen, D.; Zhai, Y.; Dong, S.; Wang, E., Platinum Nanoparticle Ensemble-on-Graphene Hybrid Nanosheet: One-Pot, Rapid Synthesis, and Used as New Electrode Material for Electrochemical Sensing. ACS Nano 2010, 4, 3959;
6.Zhai, Y.; Zhai, J. F.; Dong, S., Temperature-dependent synthesis of CoPt hollow nanoparticles: from "nanochain" to "nanoring". Chemical Communications 2010, 46, 1500;
7.Zhai, Y.; Zhai, J. F.; Zhou, M.; Dong, S., Ordered magnetic core-manganese oxide shell nanostructures and their application in water treatment. Journal of Materials Chemistry 2009, 19, 7030;
8.Zhai, Y.; Zhai, J. F.; Wang, Y. L.; Guo, S.; Ren, W.; Dong, S., Fabrication of Iron Oxide Core/Gold Shell Submicrometer Spheres with Nanoscale Surface Roughness for Efficient Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2009, 113, 7009;
9.Zhou, M.; Zhai, Y.; Dong, S., Electrochemical Sensing and Biosensing Platform Based on Chemically Reduced Graphene Oxide. Analytical Chemistry 2009, 81, 5603;
10.Zhai, Y.; Zhai, J. F.; Wen, D.; Zhou, M.; Zhang, L. H.; Dong, S., Magnetic control of bioelectrocatalytic processes based on assembled iron oxide particles. Electrochemistry Communications 2008, 10, 1172;
11.Zhai, J.; Zhai, Y.; Wang, L.; Dong, S., Rapid synthesis of polyethylenimine-protected Prussian blue nanocubes through a thermal process. Inorganic Chemistry 2008, 47, 7071;